Sunday, July 18, 2010

Finally a home!

Today we got a lot of stuff done! It's finally starting to look like our home! We did a lot of little things that made the house feel more homey. Also, the big thing is that we brought almost ALL the furniture today!

We got a Money Tree at Walmart today!

We put up the disco ball!

Our bird feeder looks really pretty right outside the kitchen window/back door.

This a picture of our "redneck haul". :)

Jeremy's Mickey Mouse Bathroom downstairs.

Our bed looks so pretty in the room on the green wall too!

My dresser! :) so pretty and it matches so good!

This is the corner where the chairs we are redoing will be to create my READING AREA! :)

These birds on the living room wall turned out cute.

But not as cute as our green flowers on the kitchen wall above our table.

And another little helper came to help us move everything in today too! ;)

Well, all in all it was a pretty productive day & weekend! :) I'm so ready for school to start so we can be here at our apartment and with our friends! :)
More Later!

-Alanna :)

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