Sunday, August 22, 2010

Visiting and Working

I had a really nice weekend visiting with my mom and sister. They came up Saturday morning and we went to lunch at Hey Joe's. Then, we dropped Jeremy off at home, because he had a migraine, and went to Walmart. I got the cutest doll. Here she is! (and the Owl that goes with her!)

Then, we went to get supplies for my 3D art project. After that, I did my 60 Typography sketches that are due tomorrow! They took forever.

While I did that, mom worked on some ornaments for the flea market. What do you think?

Isn't he the cutest Fighting Okra ever!?

Today, we went to the Warehouse for lunch. Then we came back her to relax. We hung up the picture I won at the Hair School fundraiser that I finally got framed!

I'm so happy with it! It looks so good in the living room.

Then, mom and Lacey had to go home. After they left, we watched The Losers, which was an Awesome movie! After that we did the rest of our homework. Then, we went to dinner with Renee at La Cabana before going to watch True Blood with Meg and Keith! Now we are back home and ready for bed.

Well, I need to rest up for another week of ALOT of work! I'll write more tomorrow.

More Later!

-Alanna :)

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