Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Weekend Trip Home

We went home to Vicksburg this weekend. Friday, We got home in the early afternoon. I went to get my hair cut, and while I was doing that, Jeremy took my engagement ring to Tanner's to be cleaned. (Thanks Babe!) Then we went to dinner with my family and went shopping at the outlet mall with Mom and Meme afterwards. I got some really cute stuff. (thanks Meme!)

Saturday, Me and Mom took Little Sister to the flea market and McDonalds for lunch. Here she is dressed as a "DIVA".

Then, Me, Jeremy, Mom and Lacey all made a trip ot Walmart. We came back and relaxed for a little while before Jeremy, Mom and I went to Jackson. We went to Van's to pick up my TrueBlood comic. Then, we went to the Hudson's, the Mall, and Barnes and Noble. All in all we had a very good time in Jackson.

Today, We had breakfast and Jeremy's mom's house because his Papaw was here from Arkansas. Then we finished our Laundry, packed and left. When we got here, back at the apartment, we both worked on our school work. Then, we went to Walmart before dinner and note school work. Later, I did Kenpo X(which completes week 2 of P90x for me). Yes, it's still kicking my butt. Then I took a shower and got ready for bed. Sarah and Josh came by on the way back into town for a minute to visit, and now I'm ready to sleep, all cuddled up in the bed.

Well, I better go. I have a long day tomorrow.

More Later!

-Alanna :)

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