Thursday, June 30, 2011

Shop Kicking and Hanging Out

Okay, so Jeremy and I have been using this awesome App called Shop Kick(thanks, Renee!) :) and we have only been doing it for the past 2 days and I already have enough "kick points" for a free $25 gift card! How awesome is that! I strongly encourage everyone to get it! It is a fun "scavenger hunt" type app and it's free. And there are a lot of free prizes to claim. Also, you can put in Promo code: rabbit8319 and get 50 extra points to start off with!!

Anyway, not that I'm done with that we haven't really been doing anything else except hanging around the house :) and we went to eat at Cilantro's last night! It was good but the sink was even cooler!

I want one of these in my house!! :)

And last night we went by Gamestop to look around and I made Jeremy a bowtie while we were there.

He wears a bowtie now. Bowties are cool. :)

Well, I guess that's all for now!

More later!

-Alanna :)

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