So, It's been a little bit since I've written on here. A lot has happened. We are now completely moved back into our apartment in Cleveland. Night Classes start tomorrow. Day Classes start Tuesday. I'm ready to start our new classes and get this semester going.
Anyway, While I was at the school bookstore (only buying necessities, I might add), I was looking through the discount book bin (which is a necessity), and I found a book Called Monkey Portraits. I found this amazing "monkey portrait" in it and had to take a snapshot of it to share.
Also in the bookstore, I got this new YakPak Purse.(Yet Again a NECESSITY).
On Monday night we went to La Cabana for Sarah's 21st Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!! Here is a picture of me and Jeremy there! :)
On Wednesday, We received a tiny little package from Renee in the mail. She told us she was sending something but wouldn't tell what it was. When we opened the package, we found these ITTY BITTY bottles of Tabasco sauce. :) She knew we would get a kick out of them, so she sent them to us out of Aaron's MREs. Aren't they so CUTE!
Here is a little snapshot of Sissy and Jeremy, hanging out, playing Xbox. :)
On Saturday, Phi Mu Alpha hosted a cookout for the Band kids for the last day of band camp. Here are a couple shots with/of our favorite Skipper, David Mason!
With Skipper David Mason |
This Skipper's Got Some Captian In Him!
Well, That's about. I think I have pretty much covered everything for right now. I'm sure I will have plenty to write about in the next couple of days as soon as school starts!
More Later!
-Alanna :)
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