Thursday, September 1, 2011

School is Busy... But Worth It!

Well, I've been working my butt off at school, but I've been learning so much. Graphic Design, Graphic Design Seminar, and Web Design are super involved this semester. The projects, however; are so fun and I feel like I am learning a lot of new cool things I know. Such As: I've been doing code like a regular little code monkey all week! See!?

Anyway, We went bowling last week with some of the Phi Mu Alpha Guys and Girls! :) It was so fun!

Other than that, I got 2 sandal holders to go on the back of my closet door. I think it is possibly the best purchase ever.

Then, when we went home last week, we went to Jackson to get my new camera! While we were there, we got some Virgil's Cream sodas/ RootBeers. :) If you haven't every tried them, They are the best cream sodas / root beers every in EXISTENCE!

Well, That's all for now. I'll have more pictures from the Concert on the quad for Commuter Week! Two of my favorite bands will be playing! Dandy and The Lions AND 1.21 Gigawatz!

More Later!

-Alanna :)

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