Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blog Slacking Again!

Okay. So I know I've been blog slacking but for good reasons. I have been super busy with school and all of my projects. I decided that I needed to update a little something today just to let everyone know I'm still alive and what I've been up to. So, here is what we did in our 2D design class today. We each did a square charcoal drawing and they all peiced together to make a picure.

This is my square.

And this is our finished product.
It was pretty cool to see how it all came together. Anyway, then we hung out with Renee tonight. We went to an event at Statesmen park to eat out and listen to Blue Mother Tupelo! ;) It was fun, and now we have seen the cat they call Spock. I wonder why. Can you tell?

Hehe :)
Anyway,that's all I've got or tonight.

More Later!

-Alanna :)

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